Saturday, April 27, 2013

How to Become a Distributor on MY Team!

1. Join the party!!!

Go to  and click opportunity. It costs $99 to buy the business builder kit  plus taxes.  This is all you HAVE to pay when you enroll. A box of 4  wraps come with the kit:) If you choose to, you can also buy a boost  kit. There is a mini-boost which is only available during enrollment for  $149 and the big boost which is $499 that you can buy anytime. You can  sell the mini boost stuff for $300 and the big boost for $1100.

You  will also need to set up your 80 BV autoship and your website. We  recommend ultimate body applicators and greens which is 82 BV. This will  cost about $120 and be taken from any account you choose 1 month after  your start date. This allows you to earn commissions. That is all of  your business expenses unless you want to buy more stuff.

Step  2: Wrap for Free!!!

Enroll 4 loyal customers and wrap for free. You enroll 4 customers  onto your website in the first 30 days and you will receive $120 product  credit. You can use this to buy 2 boxes of wraps or any other products.  You will also receive 2 wrap rewards. A wrap reward gives you the  ability to buy a box of wraps for $25. You can then sell them for $25  each earning $100. A $75 profit:) You also receive a 15% commission for  each product that your customer buys:) So if each customer bought a box  of wraps at $59 (54 BV) you would earn 15% of $216 or $32.40. And if you  use the product credit for 2 boxes of wraps that is $200 profit minus  $50 cost so another $150:). So that is earning $182.40 by completing  step 2 and using product credit and wrap rewards.

Step 3: Guarantee!!!

This is  find 3 people who do steps 1 and 2 within your first 60 days in  business. Every time you enroll a distributor and they enroll 2 Loyal  customers within 30 days, you receive $100 fast start bonus. So while  your 3 Distributors are on their way to completing step 2 you receive.  $100 X 3=$300. Plus you receive a 10% commission for each loyal they  enroll and a 5% enroller bonus. So when each of your 3 Distributors  enroll 4 Loyal's who lets say buy wraps you would have $648 X 15%= $97.20  in override bonuses. Under this scenario you would have received:

$300 fast start bonuses
$ 32.40 personal loyal's
$ 98.20 team loyal's

$430.60 TOTAL. The company will make up the difference and pay you $500  when you accomplish the first 3 steps in 60 days. I  can help you do  this.

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